髙橋 徹雄
日本の大学を卒業後、2005年に渡欧。独学でデザインと写真を学び、イタリア、フランス、国内でデザイン事務所に勤務・活動を経て、2022年にはステラ株式会社 (stella Ltd.)を設立。デザインと写真を軸に多岐にわたる活動と創作の幅を広げている。
また、国内外の器とインテリア用品を扱うオンラインショップ "Plonger"を立ち上げ、ヨーロッパを中心にバイイングを行う。
Tetsuo Takahashi
Designer, Photographer, Glass artist
Born in Tochigi Japan
Tetsuo Takahashi is a self‐educated designer and photographer based in Tokyo. After his experiences of working in design field in Italy, France and Japan, he has started working on commission as freelance photographer and creating his art work for personal projects constantly.
In 2022 he set up his own design studio (stella Ltd.) expanding the range of various activities and creations, based on design and photography.
In 2023, he started glassblowing at a studio in Tokyo. He is working on his unique experiments and creations with the theme of the boundary between design and craft.
He also launched an online shop "Plonger" that deals with domestic and foreign tableware and interior goods mainly in Europe.
Speaking six languages (Japanese, English, Italian, French, Spanish and German) and loves snowboarding and cooking.